Why Market on mobile?
The marketing landscape is undergoing dramatic and rapid change. Consumers are now more empowered than the retail staff they encounter on a typical shopping trip. Armed with omnipresent mobile technology, Internet access, and social networks, consumers are able to find out more information about products and services than has ever been possible before, and in real time. We addressed this in detail in our recent SoMoLo Marketing Imperative blog post.
Additionally, we discussed relevant stats that reflect some of the landscape changes in Marketing Trends. Some key points are as follows:
- Smartphone penetration is now over 50% in the US and this particular statistic describes the global market as well.
- According to Microsoft, mobile will overtake PC Internet use by 2014. Some estimates suggest this could be even sooner.
- A recent study by the London Telegraph indicated smart phone owners made fewer phone calls, spending 5 hours per week surfing the Internet.
- Gartner predicts a 98% increase to 118 million units in worldwide tablet sales in 2012.
- Purchase behavior is also changing. According to a study by SEO firm Spy March, 2012 mobile devices accounted for 10% of traffic to online retail sites. These Mobile Marketing Stats are certainly exciting!
What is Mobile Marketing?
All marketing should be consumer experience focused; however, this is an essential ingredient for success in this particular channel. Because of mobile technology, smartphones and tablets, consumers are now able to integrate the Internet and their social networks into the buying process.
Media consumption is now multi-platform. Consumers are able to start viewing a program on their TV, then resume watching on their tablet or smart phone. In other instances, consumers are surfing the Internet or connecting with their networks while watching a TV Program or event.
Studies have proven that consumers trust others, even strangers, more than they trust the messages from a brand. In the new marketing landscape, consumers are quick to share their experiences and expertise with all who will listen; often posting comments or evaluations directly on a company’s web asset.
If you wish to engage the new connected shopper, at a minimum you will want a mobile-friendly web site. In some cases, a mobile web site may be necessary. Internet access from mobile devices is experiencing explosive growth, so having a web site that hosts your product or service content and displays it appropriately on a mobile device is vital. I believe an updated, optimized web site should be the centerpiece of your marketing assets.
Mobile search must be tailored to the specific needs of consumers in this channel. Don’t assume that the same SEO practices you are using for your web site will be the most effective for mobile consumers.
Email communications must be readable from mobile devices. Here are 22 Amazing Mobile Email Marketing Statistics, and a few other stats thrown in for good measure.
The implications of mobile marketing are significant; ignore these and you could find yourself leaving revenue on the table, or worse, losing customers to competitors taking advantage of this opportunity.
Mobile Marketer Considerations
First, cover the basics. The basics begin with a mobile-friendly website that clearly and quickly communicates business details like directions and hours. You don’t want consumers searching all over for this kind of information.
Claim your local place and become knowledgeable of all the available Mobile Marketing Tips. By claiming your place on Google and other applications you can make it much easier for search engines to find your site, especially when the search is conducted geographically near you.
Are you mobile ready?
To answer this question:
- Evaluate the current state of your online assets.
- Audit your existing website to determine mobile efficacy. You can conduct this type of audit by browsing your site from a smartphone, a tablet, or a regular cell phone.
- Check things like site speed, how quickly does your site respond, what about the viewing experience?
- Can you view without scrolling?
- What about selecting links/buttons? Are you able to select calls to action easily by touching the screen on your device?
- Search for product or service information from these devices. What is this experience like? Is it as easy and convenient as using a PC? Try completing a transaction like signing up for a newsletter or requesting information.
Integrate Mobile Thinking into your Marketing Strategy
Know your target audience –
- How and where do they search for your product or service?
- What are their purchase behaviors?
- What kinds of questions are they asking?
Establish specific measurable objectives. It’s important to track and measure performance metrics so you can evaluate different marketing activities by refining and improving those techniques that work and eliminating others that do not.
Match content to the buying process. Adapt content to the medium. First, provide content that can easily be consumed, remembering the devices consumers are using. Don’t forget to link to other important content on your web site when appropriate.
Make sure content helps consumers find out how to make a sound buying decision. Help them understand how to effectively use your product or service. Encourage sharing of content through prominent display of social media buttons.
Use Mobile Search strategies to ensure your content is optimized for local, social consumption. You may want to consider working with a professional who has expertise in this area.
What are other some other considerations? Have other questions?